Photo Essay Contest launched(写作大赛):
It’s the summer season in the Philippines. And while Monol students are busy during the weekdays, they get to tour Baguio, travel to different provinces and cities, and create wonderful and exciting memories with friends during the weekends and on holidays.
This month, the academy has opened a Photo Essay contest to give the students the opportunity to share the stories they are making while they are studying in the Philippines.
Here are the details participants need to know(具体事项):
Who can join(对象)?
Open to all students.
Topics to choose from:
The Food/Place I Came to Love in Baguio
Summer in the Philippines
I Made the Best Memories in Monol
There should be at least 2 photos included in the essay. Students can use up to 5 photos for their story. Images must have a high resolution and should have a minimum dimension of 1280p x 720p.
Photos will be submitted separately as JPG or PNG files to the Writing teachers of the students. The teachers will collate these images and will be forwarding these images to CMD.
Post ESL students who are interested to join are advised to submit their essays and photos to their head teachers.
Intensive Speaking ESL students, on the other hand, are required to submit their essays to Teacher Agnes. Photos, on the other hand, should be submitted to CMD.
Important note: Submitted images for the essays shall be posted in Monol’s websites and blogs.
Content 20%
Coherence and cohesion 20%
Grammar 10%
Vocabulary 10%
Relevance of photos to the essay 20%
Creativity and storytelling 20%
TOTAL 100%
Dates you need to know(时间):
Gathering of photos: May 13-17
Writing period: May 18-22
Editing of essays: May 25-26
Submission of essays and photos: May 25-28
Selection of winners: May 29
Awarding ceremony: June 1