English translation:
The teachers in EV is always explaining us eagerly and they correct the pronunciation and grammar immediately if I have mistaken. They are very friendly and listening to me kindly, when I am in trouble.
I can concentrate on studying because of good surroundings. I can spend more time studying because the EV staff help do laundry, cleaning room and serve meals. You think EV schedule is hard because we study until night on weekdays. However, actually, it isn't hard because the classes are not boring.
I recommended people who wants to improve English in short period of time because the amount of time of studying is much more than the West. I think my speaking English got better through the man-to-man classes. We don't have enough opportunity to speak a lot in the group class, but we talk a lot in this class because of one-to-one lesson.
I visited Bohol island with Korean, Taiwanese and Japanese other student. We can enjoy a variety of activities, like sea and tourist attractions. Regardless of nationality, every student is friendly, so it is not difficult to make friends.
It's more FUN in EV Academy!